Based on “Benjamin Franklin Butler, Lincoln’s Conundrum” by Tom Lubas
Q#1 – Where was Benjamin Butler born?
Q#2 – What concoction did Butler consume in large quantities that he attributed to his long and healthy life?
Q#3 – At what legal tactic did Butler excel in winning court cases?
Q#4 – What social cause was Butler’s first foray into politics?
Q#5 – Of what political party was Butler a member?
Q#6 – How many times did Butler vote for Jefferson Davis as the presidential nominee at the Democrat convention?
Q#7 – What was Butler’s first military rank in the Army?
Q#8 – What was Butler’s first military objective in 1861?
Q#9 – On what food item did Butler spend up to $20,000 of his own money to feed the people of New Orleans?
Q#10 – How did Butler punish the man in New Orleans who tore down the American flag?
Q#11 – What order did Butler issue that in effect, characterized the women of New Orleans as prostitutes?
Q#12 – In 1864 what command did General Ulysses Grant give to Butler?
Q#13 – Losing which battle cost Butler his command of the Army of the James?
Q#14 – What was Butler’s role in the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson?
Q#15 – To what major political office was Butler elected after the Civil War?