Civil War Quiz: What Facts Do You Know About Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant?
Q#1 – Robert E. Lee’s father, “Light Horse” Harry Lee, fought with George Washington during the Revolutionary War. What role did Lee have a Washington’s funeral?
Q#2 – What was Ulysses S. Grant’s actual name at birth and what does the letter ‘S’ in Grant’s name stand for?
Q#3 – Lee was born on his father’s 51st Birthday. What are the origins for giving him the names ‘Robert’ and ‘Edward’?
Q#4 – After Grant resigned from the Army in 1854, he spent the next seven years in several professions: farmer, real estate agent, and rent collector. What was the job he performed on St Louis street corners?
Q#5 – What reason did the Federal Government give to justify the seizing of Lee’s home ‘Arlington’?
Q#6 – Grant struggled to secure a field command at the outbreak of the Civil War. What was the first field command he was given?
Q#7 – Where did Lee rank in his West Point graduating class of 1829?
Q#8 – Where did Grant rank in his West Point graduating class of 1843?
Q#9 – Lee served as a tactical commander in the Mexican-American War under what General?
Q#10 – Grant struggled with alcohol throughout his life. During the Civil War, Grant’s penchant for binge drinking was usually kept in check by what person?
Q#11 – What was the result of Lee’s first military operation as a Confederate general at the Battle of Rich Mountain that took place on July 11, 1861, in Randolph County, Virginia?
Q#12 – What was Grant’s and his wife’s reason for declining the invitation to attend the play at Ford’s Theater with President Lincoln and his wife?
Q#13 – Lee never referred to Northern soldiers as “the enemy”. What phrase did he use to refer to them?
Q#14 – How did Grant prevent Robert E. Lee from being charged with treason after the Civil War?
Q#15 – What were the causes of Lee’s and Grant’s deaths?