This year’s West Coast Civil War Roundtable Conference will be held on a cruise ship! The dates are November 1–4, 2013, departing from and returning to Los Angeles. Information about the registering for the cruise, as well as details of the very impressive speaker lineup, are available at
Quiz for April 30, 2013
Based on “Was Grant Really Surprised at Shiloh?” by Bob Hubbs
Q#1 – Was the Battle of Shiloh a planned or accidental engagement? Continue reading
Meeting of March 26, 2013
Bob Hubbs on “Was General Grant Really Surprised at Shiloh?”
Bob addressed a few provocative questions about this famous battle:
- Shiloh – the horrible experience during which Grant became a general and Lincoln is elevated to Commander-In–Chief – How so?
- Grant and his trial by fire – What happened to him?
- Shiloh, the never expected, the least understood, and the most painful experience of the American Civil War – Why?
- Shiloh – the battle with more myths and less facts than any major killing of American soldiers – How can this be? Continue reading
Quiz for March 26, 2013
Based on “The Battle at Fredericksburg, Part 2” by Alan Sissenwein
Q#1 – What Union commander was the first to occupy the town of Fredericksburg? Continue reading
Meeting of February 26, 2013
Alan Sissenwein on “The Battle at Fredericksburg, Part 2”
Alan concluded his two-part presentation, covering the main portion of the 1862 battle and its aftermath.
Tom Roza wrote the following summary.
Alan Sissenwein conducted the second of a two-part presentation on the Battle at Fredericksburg. Part 1 had covered all the activities up thru December 12, 1862; Part 2 covered the main portion of the battle and its aftermath. Continue reading
Quiz for February 26, 2013
Based on “The Battle at Fredericksburg, Part 1” by Alan Sissenwein
Q#1 – The presentation began in January 1863, after the actual Battle of Fredericksburg. How did General Burnside celebrate being relieved of command of the Army of the Potomac? Continue reading
Meeting of January 29, 2013
Alan Sissenwein on “The Battle at Fredericksburg, Part 1”
Tom Roza provided the following meeting summary.
Alan Sissenwein conducted the first of a two-part presentation on the Battle at Fredericksburg. Part 1 covered all the activities up thru December 12, 1862; Part 2 at the February 26, 2013, meeting will cover the main portion of the battle and its aftermath. Continue reading
Civil War at the Walnut Creek Library
The Walnut Creek Library has announced a very interesting series of Civil War events in 2013. See their website for a listing.
Webmaster Hal Jespersen attended one of the lectures and posted a summary on his website:
Civil War News article
The June 2010 issue of Civil War News has an article about our CWRT! Continue reading
Our Favorite Books of 2012
Here’s a slideshow about Our Favorite Books for 2012.