Category Archives: Quiz

Quiz for August 24, 2013

Based on “The Monitor and the Merrimack” by James Hollabaugh

Q#1 – How many guns did the Merrimack have?

Q#2 – What was the water draft that the Merrimack required?

Q#3 – What unique characteristic did the Monitor possess for its guns?

Q#4 – What was the water draft that the Monitor required?

Q#5 – What standing order governed the firing capability of the Monitor’s guns?

Q#6 – What was the date when the Monitor & Merrimack fought?

Q#7 – What happened to the ram on the bow of the Merrimack after it rammed the Union ship Cumberland?

Q#8 – After attacking the USS Cumberland, what was the next Union ship the Merrimack attacked?

Q#9 – In what Union Navy Yard was the Monitor constructed?

Q#10 – When the Monitor & the Merrimack engaged in battle, which ship fired the first shot?

Q#11 – What hampered both ships’ ability to accurately gauge their firing range?

Q#12 – During the battle with the Monitor, how many Confederate sailors were killed?

Q#13 – What injury did Captain Worden of the Monitor suffer?

Q#14 – What was the result of the battle between the Monitor & the Merrimack?

Q#15 – After the battle, the Monitor sailed up river to Richmond. Why did this maneuver fail?

Quiz for June 25, 2013

Based on “The Long Arm of Mr. Lincoln’s Army” by Dana Lombardy

Q#1 – What famous European general did all West Point students study?

Q#2 – At Gettysburg, what was the ratio of cannons to troops?

Q#3 – During the Civil War, what was the average number of troops required to operate a cannon?

Q#4 – What was the name of the British artillery engineer who invented case shot?

Q#5 – What was the shape of the shell used in a civil war rifled artillery cannon?

Q#6 – What was marked on each paper fuse plug used in Civil War artillery?

Q#7 – What phrase was used to describe the volume of artillery smoke that covered a battlefield?

Q#8 – At the battle of Gettysburg, what weapon caused the most casualties?

Q#9 – At the beginning of the Civil war, where did the Confederates get the majority of their cannons?

Q#10 – What was the tactical advantage to having more batteries with fewer cannon in each?

Q#11 – What was the number of cannon Union General Henry Hunt positioned along Cemetery Ridge in advance of Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg?

Q#12 – During the Confederate artillery barrage that proceeded Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg, what event E. Porter Alexander observe that made him advise General Longstreet to commence Pickett’s Charge?

Q#13 – On July 1, the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg, how many more cannons did the Confederates have when compared to the Union?

Q#14 – What was the term used when one side has more artillery than the other side?

Q#15 – Why was there no artillery reserve in Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia?