Based on “Worth A Dozen Men: Nursing in the Civil War South” by Dr. Libra Hilde
Q#1 – In what year was the first Civil War battle re-enactment held?
Q#2 – During which span of years did the period of “National Reconciliation” occur?
Q#3 – What is the most common definition of the “Lost Cause”?
Q#4 – How many veterans attended the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg?
Q#5 – In a speech, how did President Woodrow Wilson characterize the Civil War?
Q#6 – In what years did a significant interest in the Civil War really begin to take hold in America?
Q#7 – How did women view themselves emerging from the Civil War?
Q#8 – What did many Southern female nurses do after the Civil War?
Q#9 – How were Southern female nurses most often characterized?
Q#10 – Which Southern female nurse played a prominent role in the founding of the “Lost Cause”?
Q#11 – What were most Southern Hospitals called during the Civil War?
Q#12 – What Southern women’s organization was founded in the early 1890s?
Q#13 – What was the approximate death rate percentage for Southern soldiers during the Civil War?
Q#14 – Two part question: 1-In the first years after the Civil War, in what locations were most Southern Civil War monuments erected? 2-Why were the monuments erected in these locations?
Q#15 – What is the name of Dr Hilde’s recently published book?