Quiz for October 29, 2013

Based on the “History of the 4th US Cavalry at the Battle of Chickamauga” by John Herberich

Q#1 – What major city is within 12 miles of the Chickamauga battlefield?

Q#2 – What was the name of the Confederate Army that fought at the Battle of Chickamauga?

Q#3 – Who commanded the 4th US Cavalry at the Battle of Chickamauga?

Q#4 – What nickname was given to the 4th US Cavalry because of their battle tactics?

Q#5 – Who commanded the Union Army of the Cumberland?

Q#6 – What significant defensive fortification did the Confederates troops construct at the Battle of Shelbyville?

Q#7 – What unit joined the 4th US Cavalry in a charge against Confederate lines at the Battle of Shelbyville?

Q#8 – What Union general’s Medal of Honor picture was shown during John Herberich’s presentation?

Q#9 – What unusual behavior did a majority of the citizens of the town of Shelbyville demonstrate during the battle?

Q#10 – What was Union General Thomas Crittenden’s reaction to Colonel Robert Minty’s report on Confederate troop positions near Reed’s Bridge?

Q#11 – Who was the commander of the Confederate Army at the Battle of Chickamauga?

Q#12 – How many Confederate troops under the command of Bushrod Johnson did the 4th US Calvary hold off for 10 hours at Reed’s Bridge?

Q#13 – Was the 4th US Calvary able to destroy Reed’s Bridge during their retreat maneuver?

Q#14 – What Confederate cavalry general captured Reed’s Bridge?

Q#15 – How many casualties did the 4th US Calvary suffer at the Battle of Reed’s Bridge?