Based on “Was Grant Really Surprised at Shiloh?” by Bob Hubbs
Q#1 – Was the Battle of Shiloh a planned or accidental engagement?
Q#2 – What are the dates when the Battle of Shiloh was fought?
Q#3 – Prior to the actual Battle of Shiloh, where did Grant expect a Confederate attack?
Q#4 – Who were the only formally trained Union commanders at the Battle of Shiloh?
Q#5 – In the period leading up to the Battle of Shiloh, how many times did Grant offer his resignation to General Halleck?
Q#6 – What was the total number of soldiers, North and South, that participated in the Battle of Shiloh?
Q#7 – On the morning of April 6, was Sherman unprepared for the Confederate attack?
Q#8 – In the areas known as the Hornet’s Nest, how many attacks against the Union line did the Confederates make?
Q#9 – On the night or April 6, what did Sherman say to Grant in the aftermath of the day’s fighting?
Q#10 – Approximately how many troops did General Lew Wallace bring to the engagement at Shiloh?
Q#11 – Did General Lew Wallace get lost on his way to the battlefield?
Q#12 – What were the total number of casualties for both sides at the Battle of Shiloh?
Q#13 – Was Grant surprised at Shiloh?
Q#14 – Years later, how did Grant characterize the public perception of the Battle of Shiloh?
Q#15 – How many battlefield markers (not monuments) are erected on the Shiloh battlefield?