Quiz for March 25, 2025

Civil War Quiz: What Do You Know About Florida In the Civil War?

Q#1 – Following the election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860, a special secession convention was called by Florida Governor Madison S. Perry to discuss secession from the Union. What was the official name of this convention?

Q#2 – When did Florida secede from the Union?

Q#3 – In Florida’s secession document, what reasons were documented justifying the secession from the Union?

Q#4 – Approximately how many soldiers did Florida provide the Confederacy?

Q#5 – What factor was the State’s key importance to the Confederacy?

Q#6 – At the start of the Civil War, Florida seized all but two Union facilities; which ones were these?

Q#7 – Why did the Confederate government in Richmond take the unpopular action in Florida to divide the state into several military districts?

Q#8 – What basic food products were Florida’s major contribution to the Confederate cause?

Q#9 – As Florida was an important supply route for the Confederacy, Union forces operated a blockade around the entire state. Approximately how many miles of coastline had to be blockaded? How many miles of rivers, streams, and waterways that proved a haven for blockade runners and a daunting task for patrols by Federal warships also had to be blockaded?

Q#10 – What reasons did the Confederacy attempt to use the close proximity of Florida with Cuba?

Q#11 – Florida was the first state to take what action regarding utilization of its slaves for military action?

Q#12 – Growing public dissatisfaction across the south with Confederate conscription and impressment had what impact on Florida?

Q#13 – In 1862, what action did the Florida House of Representatives take regarding the large Seminole Native American population in the State?

Q#14 – Where did the majority of Florida’s Confederate troops fight?

Q#15 – What was the name of the largest battle fought in Florida during the Civil War?