Monthly Archives: May 2024

Quiz for June 25, 2024

Civil War Quiz: What Do You Know About Canada and the American Civil War?

Q#1 – At the time of the American Civil War what was Canada’s political status?

Q#2 – What was Canada’s position on slavery?

Q#3 – Approximately how many Canadians participated in the Civil War?

Q#4 – What was one of the main reasons that influenced England not to recognize the Confederacy as a legitimate government?

Q#5 – The rent Affair began when an American warship stopped the British mail ship RMS Trent on the high seas and seized two Confederate diplomats, James Mason and John Slidell. What action did England take that involved Canada?

Q#6 – What was the Grand Trunk Railway Brigade?

Q#7 – Who was Benjamin Wier and what was his involvement in the Civil War?

Q#8 – What incident occurred on December 1863, involving the new Union tug Chesapeake that was preparing for service in the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron?

Q#9 – Why did a large number of Canadians have a negative view of US President Abraham Lincoln?

Q#10 – The CSS Tallahassee was involved in what incident in Canada?

Q#11 – What was the City of Montreal, Canada’s role in the Civil War?

Q#12 – The St. Albans Raid was the northernmost land action of the American Civil War. Taking place in St. Albans, Vermont, on October 19, 1864. From where was a raid conducted?

Q#13 – Who conducted the St. Albans Raid?

Q#14 – What was the objective of the St. Albans Raid?

Q#15 – What happened to the men who conducted the St. Albans Raid?

Meeting of May 28, 2024

Mark Costin on Battle of Buena Vista – Training Ground for the Civil War”

Battle of Buena Vista by Carl Nebel

This talk describes the 1847 Battle of Buena Vista where the American forces of Zachary Taylor defeated the Mexican army of Santa Anna. The battle saw significant contributions by many future Civil War stalwarts. Particular attention will be paid to the important actions by Jefferson Davis and Braxton Bragg in securing the victory. The talk will conclude with an open discussion of the comparison between the two wars.

Mark Costin is an engineer living in Sunnyvale, CA recently retired from working on functional safety for automated and autonomous vehicles. A long time history buff, Mark now has more time to devote to his hoppy. He holds a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, an M.Eng from McMaster University and B.Eng from McGill University.