Monthly Archives: September 2021

Meeting of September 28, 2021

Jim Rhetta on “Tennessee, the Strategic Value of the State”

Most attention of writers on the Civil War is focused on events and leaders in the Northern Virginia area of operations. What many overlook is that Tennessee had an important strategic position that both sides valued for their war efforts. Most battles fought in the state were not just meeting engagements between armies, but were to protect or seize key rail, river, and infrastructure systems that both sides viewed as essential.

Tennessee had a rail and river system essential for Confederate movements that would also enable the Federal Army to advance in the deep south to seize the industrial areas of Atlanta and Savannah. The conflict over this river and rail network would draw the Federal Army of the Tennessee into combat against the Confederate Army of Tennessee.

This topic will have both a slide presentation on the strategic value and operations in the state as well as a 25-min video on the subject with human accounts of the impact of the conflict in Tennessee.

Quiz for September 28, 2021

Civil War Quiz: What Do You Know About Generals Killed During The Civil War?

Q#1 — This general was killed on April 2, 1865 by a Union soldier, Corporal John W. Mauck of the 138th Pennsylvania. Name him.

Q#2 — After his death his old West Point classmate John Bell Hood paid a warm tribute to his character. He was the second-highest-ranking Union officer killed in action during the war. Name him.

Q#3 — This Civil War battle started disastrously for the Confederates as the general commanding the right wing and his second in command were killed very early in the engagement. Name the battle and the generals.

Q#4 — Generals Robert S. Garnett and Felix Kirk Zollicoffer have this distinction. What is it?

Q#5 — What were the circumstances of Union General W. H. L. Wallace’s death?

Q#6 — This Confederate general was killed at the Battle of Yellow Tavern. Name him.

Q#7 — Two of Pickett’s three brigade commanders were killed during Pickett’s charge. Name them.

Q#8 — This Confederate general uttered the phrase “There is Jackson standing like a stone wall,” leading to Stonewall Jackson’s nickname but was mortally wounded shortly thereafter. Name him.

Q#9 — He was the first Union general to die in the Civil War. Name him.

Q#10 — Killed by a sniper, among his last words were “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” Name him.

Q#11 — He was the highest-ranking officer, Union or Confederate, killed during the entire war. Name him.

Q#12 — This Confederate general was killed by a Federal 3-inch shell at Pine Mountain, Georgia on June 14, 1864. Name him.

Q#13 — Union general John F. Reynolds was killed at the start of the Battle of Gettysburg. Why is his death considered controversial by historians?

Q#14 — This battle saw the deaths of six Confederate generals. Name the battle and the generals.

Q#15 — What were the circumstances of Union General William “Bull” Nelson’s death?