Monthly Archives: February 2014

Quiz for March 25, 2014

What Happened During the Month of March 1861-1865?

Q#1 – What major political event occurred on March 4, 1861?

Q#2 – On March 15, 1861, Lincoln met with his Cabinet to make a decision regarding what Union military location?

Q#3 – What was the name of the battle that was fought on March 7-8, 1862, where Union forces won a victory in Arkansas?

Q#4 – What pivotal naval engagement occurred during March 8/9, 1862?

Q#5 – What battle took place on March 28, 1862, in New Mexico Territory?

Q#6 – What action did the US Congress perform on March 3, 1863, that affected the staffing of the Union armies?

Q#7 – What happened on March 2, 1864, regarding a change in Union Commanders?

Q#8 – What was adopted by the Confederate Congress on March 4, 1864?

Q#9 – On March 9, 1864, what action did General Henry Halleck voluntarily take that affected the command authority of US Grant?

Q#10 – What Union military campaign located in the western portion of the country began on March 10, 1864?

Q#11 – What happened on March 17, 1864, that affected William Tecumseh Sherman’s command authority?

Q#12 – What action did President Lincoln take on March 21, 1864, that affected Nevada and Colorado?

Q#13 – What major political event occurred on March 4, 1865?

Q#14 – During March 19-21, 1865, what battle was fought in North Carolina?

Q#15 – On March 25, 1865, what major military Confederate action was initiated?

Meeting of February 25, 2014

Tom Roza on ”The Swamp Angels: Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts Regiment”

Robert Gould Shaw (Wikipedia)

The 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers was an infantry regiment that saw extensive service in the Union Army during the Civil War. The regiment was one of the first official African American units in the United States during the Civil War. They were nicknamed the “Swamp Angels” because being a “colored” regiment, they were assigned duty in the swampy lowlands of South Carolina and Florida.

Robert Gould was a military officer in the Union Army during the Civil War. And as Colonel, he was the first commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. Shaw was born in Boston into a wealthy family of abolitionists parents and he was approached by his father to take command of a new All-Black Regiment. After some hesitation, he accepted the position. Shaw was deeply impressed with the dedication of the men under his command and he grew to respect them as fine soldiers.

While the movie Glory did an exceptional job of telling the story of Gould and the 54th Massachusetts, Tom’s presentation told a more complete story of the first Negro regiment and the man who led them. Continue reading